Sunday, January 13, 2013



Stilt man!!

I know this blog claims to be about Ultimate Spider-Man, but right now I can't even walk so it's gonna be a while before i go bin hunting.. But that doesn't mean i'm gonna stop posting about comics.

This week my focus is on one single issue: Daredevil #22... The return of STILT MAN!

The absurdity of this issue was already set up last issue at a rooftop meeting between Kirsten Mcduffie (NYC's DA) and the creepy new "superior" Spider-Man with the following line: "I understand what you're asking me to do, yes. I will find Daredevil... And I will crush him."  Considering Doc Ock is supposedly a genius, I have to assume he's not really trying that hard.  You really can't go around saying things like that and not expect someone to notice that something seems a little off with Spider-Man lately


  1. Also, I Murdock should be able to know immediately that Pete's not Pete. It would go against his character for him not to at least suspect something is up.

    1. That "I" was a typo. I don't think I'm Matt Murdock.

    2. you might be right. I didn't consider that.. but now that I am, I'm gonna say Matt just uses peoples' heart rates and colognes to detect different people. Ock didn't just borrow the costume. He's got Peter's entire physiology, so Spidey might appear the same. But then again, it's been pretty well documented that his investigative skills are high and he can hear the difference in heartbeat if someone is lying. I'd imagine coming across Daredevil for the first time in his new body would get Doc Ock a little bit nervous. But either way, with all the closest people to Matt thinking he's losing his mind, I doubt it'll matter if he starts carrying on about a dead super villain mind swapping with Spider-Man.
